As It Happened is produced and filmed by Edwina Guckian and supported by Leitrim County Council & the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023 initiative.
9 Leitrim artists were commissioned to create work in response to events in the county from 1921.
The commissioned artists are:
Seamus O’ Rourke
Vincent Woods
Sorcha Fox
Fionnuala Maxwell
Padraig McGovern
Stephen Murphy
Dee Armstrong, Diarmuid & Lughaidh Armstrong Mayock
As the videos are released throughout 2022 they will be uploaded below.
On the 101st anniversary of the Selton Hill ambush, Vincent Woods commemorates one of the most significant events in the War of Independence with 6 of the Irish volunteers lives lost.